Rural Student Success Initiative RSSI
What is Rural Student Success Initiative?
With support from the Greater Texas Foundation and T.LL. Temple Foundation, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is launching a major rural student success demonstration project in eleven Texas counties. The goal of the AgriLife Extension Rural Student Success Initiative (the “Initiative”) is to increase the number of rural students enrolling in and completing a postsecondary certificate or degree program. The Initiative will engage four key constituencies to influence student academic goal-setting and success: students; parents/adult caregivers; rural schools (leaders, and instructional and counseling staff); and AgriLife Extension Agents. The Initiative will focus its support strategies on three distinct sections of the access/completion pipeline to support rural students and their parents: Grades 8-12; the summer melt period between high school graduation and college matriculation; and postsecondary retention/completion. The distinct strategies deployed within each of these critical stages of a student’s academic pathway are predicted to result in achieving the Initiative’s primary purpose which is the completion of a postsecondary certificate or degree program.
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